The Property Development Sector is one of the sectors that contributes to PKNP's income, through the development of commercial and social projects that meet people’s needs.
Creating a modern city, complete with infrastructure that functions as an economic development centre for Bumiputera entrepreneurs.
Providing structured housing with complete infrastructure based on the financial ability of buyers and increasing Bumiputera ownership of property in Pahang.
Providing business opportunities and business space complete with infrastructure in the urban areas.
Assisting the government in implementing and monitoring projects that are under the government development programme as well as conducting PKNP and government social projects in rural areas.
Designing, developing and marketing property, which include housing construction and new and integrated city development in all potentially strategic areas throughout the state.
The Property Development Project is divided into three main functions:
1) Development of Commercial Projects (Housing and Shops)
The Commercial Project comprises 13,480 housing units and 1,082 shop units, which is one of the largest areas PKNP has been involved with since its establishment, either solely developed by PKNP or in collaboration with potential developers.
2) Development of New Cities
The development of 10 New City Projects involving 2,996 shop, kiosk and housing units that have been identified to become administrative centres with complete and systematic infrastructure.
3) Development of Social Projects
The development of social projects is the most significant development undertaken by PKNP. The roles and responsibilities taken are in line with PKNP’s objective to improve, promote, operate, and facilitate the social and economic development of this country, especially in rural areas for the welfare of the people. PKNP has also developed 31 Rural Growth Centres that involves construction of 391 shop and kiosk units which are more convenient and organised, with priority given to the Bumiputera to rent or own for a reasonable and affordable price, and is subject to the following government provisions:i. Incubators
i. Incubators
ii. Office Lots
iii. Shophouses
iv. Kiosks