In line with the principles of Good Governance, PKNP provides a Whistleblowing channel to receive complaints and offer the public or PKNP employees an opportunity to report any non-compliance in the execution of activities or misconduct such as disciplinary violations within PKNP.
As an internal mechanism for PKNP employees, suppliers, and the public to channel complaints, reports, and information related to fraud, corruption, misappropriation, non-compliance in activity execution, and disciplinary violations committed by PKNP employees, while also obtaining feedback on actions taken regarding those reports:-
Encouraging whistleblowers to channel complaints and information through an internal systematic channel before it is brought to external parties.
Creating a transparent and open environment for reporting any fraud, corruption, misappropriation, non-compliance in activity execution, and disciplinary violations at PKNP.
Ensuring that whistleblowers receive appropriate protection if reports are made transparently and with sufficient evidence.
Complaints, reports, or information can be made to the appointed Integrity Officer through one of the following methods:-
Phone: 09-5658520 (Ms. Marlia binti Osman)
In person
Google Form e-Whistleblowing (Click here)
In writing and sent either by hand or by post to the following address:
Quality, Risk & Integrity Management Unit,
Pahang State Development Corporation,
12th Floor, Teruntum Complex,
25000 Kuantan,
Pahang Darul Makmur.
The content of the complaint, report, or information should include the following:-
Whistleblower's information such as name, identification number, current address, phone number, and email.
PKNP Employees
Name, Identification Number, position, current address, phone number, and email.
Non-PKNP Employees
Name, Identification Number, employer/workplace name, position, current address, phone number, and email.
Background of the complaint, including the location, date, and time of the incident.
Employees or parties involved/suspected of involvement.
Details of the incident concerning the complaint.
Requesting or receiving bribes;
Offering or giving bribes;
Conflict of interest;
Abuse of power for personal benefit, benefit of relatives, or associates;
Misappropriation or fraud; and
Violations of the Statutory Bodies (Discipline and Penalties) Act 2000 (Act 605), PKNP Code of Ethics, or any current policies and regulations.
Any individual wishing to report corruption or integrity violations will be protected under the Whistleblower Protection Policy as stated in the Misconduct Disclosure Management Policy (KTW).